General Info
Pilastro, the 2nd exit on Monte Casale, is reached via a footpath that takes approximately 90 minutes. It is subjected to the valley winds i.e. Peler in the morning (north) until the Ora del Garda (south) arrives. The ideal conditions are found when the first thermals start as the wind begins to change direction or also with zero wind. The exit point is small and uneven (photo 1), exercise caution when it has been raining especially when you are placing your feet to exit with your toes over the edge - a good push is required to clear the small 3m ledge that is 15m below.

Foto 1
Pilastro is considered an intermediate exit point for track suits and also wingsuits. For track suits the flight path is straight out landing on the road (photo 2). For wingsuit and skilled one piece pilots it is possible to make a left line, maintaining a safe distance from the terrain to land next to the river (photo 3).

Foto 2
We recommend that you obtain detailed instruction and a briefing from a suitable mentor or recognised school to attempt this jump safely, especially if you are a low experience jumper (i.e. less than 100 slider up jumps).

Foto 3